Inter Religious Friends Movement (IRFM)


Based on


Puducherry has a rich heritage of many unique features of national and international importance. One among them is the unique way of peaceful living in Puducherry by the people of different religions. This unique character has been expressed on many occasions by many events. The following event was instrumental for the formation of an Inter-religious Fraternal Life Community (IRFLC) in the year 1991


In the year 1983, Fr. A.S.Antonisamy as a young catholic priest was surprised to read unusual news that a government school was named after a Christian missionary of Rev. Constantine Beschi (VERAMAMUNIVAR HIGH SCHOOL.) The newspaper also contained a report that the above initiative was taken by a non Christian teacher of that school acknowledging the contribution of the missionary to the Tamil literature.


Impressed by the broad mind of Late Mr. Sivacannappa a non Christian teacher, Fr. A.S. Antonisamy met him on the same day in that school and appreciated his goodwill. The teacher did not expect such a visit at all but all the same he was very happy to be recognized by a catholic priest. Without any feelings of difference in age and religion both of them did not realize that their friendship was born that very moment and that it would continue to grow till the death of his friend.

On the same day Fr.A.S.Antonisamy asked  his friend Sivacannappa to identify a  Muslim friend Immediately he introduced Fr.Antonisamy to his Muslim Friend Mohamed Hussein, the Town Cazy. It was a thrilling experience. Three of them became a first group of committed inter-religious friends and they continued to promote inter- religious friendship groups.

With a slow growth of 3 inter-religious friendship- groups consisting of 3 Hindus,3 Muslims and 3 Christians, all of them decided to form themselves as a registered society and expand it with a vision to promote the virtues of faith in God along with Justice, Equality, Freedom and Fraternity which are enshrined in the Indian Constitution. 

From the year 1991 the responsibility of the registered society was shared by the following first governing members from all the religions: Latter on as and when required other governing body members were taking responsibility of the society.

1.Mr.M.M.Houssaine-                President

2.Mr.S.Ramalingam-                 Vice President

3.Rev.Fr.A.S.Antonisamy-        Secretary

4.Miss.C.Sundaram-               Jt.Secretary

5.Mr.N.C.A.Gaffour-                 Treasurer

6.Mr.Siva Cannappah-            Member

7.Mr.Lourdes Rassa-               Member

8 Mr.Syed Amid-                     Member

9 Mr.S.Isailaiver-                      Member


At the end of the year 2008 there were 20 groups of inter-religious friends in two districts. From the year 2009 they had a plan to promote many more groups of inter-religious friends in as many districts and states as possible. If there is a proper planning, it is Possible to have a network of inter-religious friendship groups all over the world as a strong foundation for peace in the world.

From the year 2008 under the leadership of Hagi Charafoudine as president  Mr.Duraimalyrian as Vice-President and Mr.Anto as the Secretary the society had a planned approach to promote the inter-religious friendship.

The following activities have been the initiatives of IRFLC which are replicable by others in different forms.

  1. Inter Religious Friends’ Day:

   Three important religious festivals i.e. Deepavali, Ramzan and Christmas are    celebrated by all as Inter Religious Friends Day with Participation of all Religious    people.

  1. Inter-Religious Comparative Study.

  A student of Kanchi Mamuniver Post Graduate Centre was supported to complete his       PhD thesis on the servants of God in three major religions. 

  1. Basic Education for the Poor.

   Basic education at the age 4 and 5 is a period of foundation for their future         development. 75 % of the children are not provided with a quality education at this   age   group. For two years the IRFLC gathered the poor children and organized a   quality   education for them. With a foundation received at that age group, such   children were   able to continue their education.

  1. Promoting unity and peace.

   By supporting 100 artists the idea of One Family for peace was visualized in 100          ways through paintings. These paintings are making a great impact on the minds of    the people reminding them to remain as One Family for Peace. 



  1. Preventing violence.

   On the unfortunate day When Babri Masjid was demolished the inter religious      fraternal life    community played a historical role by diffusing the agitating crowd at    the main    Mosque    of Puducherry on 7th December 1992.The Honorable Chief    Minister    Thiru.V. Vathialingam himself came to address the mob at the Mosque      and    assured    them of all possible support to express the sentiments of all the people    of Puducherry  to the Union Government of India.

  1. Promotion of inter-religious friendship

    The making of friends, who are real friends, is the best token we have of a man’s     success in life.” Edward Everett Hale

    Friendship is a term used to denote co-operative and supportive behavior between        two or more people. In this sense, the term connotes a relationship which involves     mutual knowledge, esteem, and affection and respect along with a degree of     rendering service  to friends in times of need or crisis.

   The inter-religious Society built on the basis of friendship is trying to strengthen    and spread it by promoting groups of inter-religious friends. Photos of inter-              religious friends of three or four are being prepared and kept in their houses.    These    photos have become instruments of deepening and promoting inter-religious friendship groups.

 (Photos of Inter-religious friends’ groups)

  1. Inter-religious Friends’ diary.

 There have been many initiatives in the world to promote peace. Any initiative for       peace based on friendship is like a house built on a strong foundation of a Rock. In     order to promote consciously the inter-religious friendship a friendship planner is   being prepared to celebrate the international friends’ day on the 1st Sunday of   August and to remind everyone to promote daily the inter-religious friendship         groups by different activities. Based on the activities recorded in the planner, the   best promoters of inter-religious friends’ groups will be awarded every year on the    international friends’ day.

  1. Peace Park

The IRFLC has been growing since 1991 harnessing peace among people with        different religious faith. With the above backgrounds, the IRFLC has submitted a proposal to the  Government of  Puducherry   for  constituting an Inter Religious commission  represented by various   religious people with a purpose of building Peace and  harmony among all people of Puducherry and also bridging the Govt. with the  public on inter religious matters.

  Consequently the Govt. may also set up a Peace Park where people from     all religions can meet to interact and work for inter religious harmony. A specific   place   may also be identified and earmarked for developing the theme into a Peace   Park.

  The Inter Religious Commission may be entrusted with the responsibility of   maintaining the park and of conducting programmes with the financial support   from the Government and if necessary, by raising fund from the Public.

  When the Government of Puducherry decides to support the above proposal of   Peace Park for maintaining and promoting inter-religious harmony in Puducherry   it will be a pioneering project and a model to other states in India.                                                                  


  Founder   (IRFLC)                

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