Famco Family

Family Development Cooperative Thrift and Credit Society Ltd., (FAMCO) – A Multi State Cooperative Society (Regn. No. MSCS/CR/307/2009)

FAMCO is established out of the dire need of helping the farmers and the rural poor from their everlasting indebtedness and supporting them to make a regular income for decent livelihood. Scientific studies have been conducted in villages in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry to understand the factual situation of the poor and the farmers in terms of their economic status. Based on such studies, and understanding of models that had been tested in various parts of the country, FAMCO evolved as a cooperative society catering exclusive to the needs of marginalized and poor people. Over a period of time, FAMCO earned the credibility as a well-established and administered Multi-State Cooperative Society, having its presence in Puducherry, Tamil Nadu, and Karnataka,


Website Link: www.famco.co.in

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